Another good place is right outside the Ember Spa, there are 3 trainers and a double battle which all yield high EXP. They mostly have the Koffing/Grimer family IIRC. Two good places are the Celadon City side of Cycling Road, near the top there are many trainers to battle when you use the VS seeker. What is the best place to train Pokemon Fire Red? The simplest possible team that can win the tournament comprises four Pokémon: one Fire, one Water, one Ice and one Electric type. Your Pokémon should all be, at the very least, at level 45. What level should my Pokemon before Elite Four fire red?

He said his Pokemon were about ten levels underleveled, so he should probably try Victory Road first.If my memory is correct, to beat the Elite Four in FireRed, I just leveled up my Pokemon by fighting the Elite Four.